
Upcoming Webinars
The world is trying to get out of the pandemic and rebuild its economy. This crisis has also impacted/transformed the way organizations manage projects and programs. Adaptability, resilience, and agility are three of the many qualities organizations have exhibited to cope with this transformation. At the same time new trends are emerging to help project and program teams carry their work effectively. Some of these trends include (a) the adoption of Agile project management principles, (b) support for virtual and geographically distributed offices, (c) adoption of cultural change favorable to collaboration, and (d) embracing the agility and change mindsets. In this webinar Dr. Tessema will provide a high-level overview of the state of project management in 2021 and trends that may affect organizations in the coming years.
Past Webinars
Project Management is an art and science that evolved over thousands of years. As organization’s priorities change, so does the methodology used to deliver projects and programs. Currently, two major project management principles are shaping the world we are living in – Traditional and Agile project management. This seminar provides highlights on (a) The history and evolution of project management, (b) the Project Management Institute Body of Knowledge for managing traditional projects, (c) The Agile project management methodologies designed mainly to support the IT world, (d) The need for tailoring these methodologies to address organizational needs, and (e) Project management in the post COVID world.